About Fun & Fair

A concept for a search engine, specifically for fun fair or theme park entrepreneurs. I'm obsessed with trashy uhh, I mean whimsical fun fair and theme park aesthetics, so I decided to make this a project during my time in the SuperCode UX/UI Bootcamp.


Develop a project based on a wireframe and Material UI kit. The concept and ideas are completely free of choice.


Create a Screen design and an animated prototype in Figma based on a given grid and desktop size. Use auto layouts and create reusable components. Create a stylescape, color scheme, type scale and information architecture.


I investigated what other search engines are doing out there — what features do they have, and what do they need? One thing is for sure: Filters. Many, many filters... I realized this was a big thing and decided that I would make it a big focus, aside from the menu structure.

I eventually came to the conclusion that there really aren't any search engines or shops specifically for fun fairs. If entrepreneurs wanted to prepare for the next event, they would have to dig through different, large event pages to book what they needed. I wanted to create a search engine that could filter the lowest prices for specific ride categories and accessories, throughout already existing event pages and online shops.


I took inspiration from a video game I loved as a kid, a wacky racing game that perfectly captures the trashy theme park aesthetic. Additionally, I went mood-boaring with similar images and started experimenting with colors and button styles. Picking a set of colors and fonts was the hardest part. But eventually I found a great match.

Ride tokens also inspired me. I had to create some elements, such as the buttons and decorative shapes, in that style. What would a website about fun fairs be without ride tokens?


The Figma component set, along with prototyped animations, was a lot of work. I may have done more than I needed to, but I wanted to challenge myself, as I usually do. I'm getting better and faster at creating components in Figma via the principles of atomic design.

Furthermore, I had to make sure the header, every slider, every filter and every button worked for the prototype. It was just as complex as it looks. If not more. But it was an amazing project for me, letting me explore the complexity of the concept of a search engine within a theme I'm really passionate about. ❤️

Final Design